UPDATE 4/30: We've surpassed our goal, so we're setting a new goal of $120,000 We're getting PPE to our Healthcare Heroes, but this is far from over. Let's come together to protect lives of those who work so hard to take care of us. 100% of your donation goes towards protective equipment for those on the front line.

For most of us, doing our part means staying at home, washing our hands, and practicing social distancing. But for one group, doing their part means being out on the front lines, working tirelessly to provide care and save lives, all while putting their own health at risk due to lack of proper protective equipment. They are our nurses, our doctors, our EMT's, our healthcare workers. They are our mothers, our daughters, our sons, our fathers. They are our friends, our family members, our loved ones. They are our heroes.
The Compassionate Service Society is working to deliver N95 masks, face shields, and other personal protective equipment to our healthcare heroes. Please help fund our effort today, because right now, every second counts.
For all they do to take care of us, let's do our part to take care of them.