Relief for people in needs
In partnership with other non-profit organizations,
we dedicated self to benefit others
About CSS Charity
Compassionate Service Society has been active in charitable services since 2004. When we heard from a visiting Sri Lankan monk about the destruction there by a tsunami, we went on-site to console the survivors, pray for the victims and donated money and necessities to the community. We collected funds to build 24 new homes for surviving families there.
Since then, we have worked with our non-profit partner Global Medic and other local non-profit organizations to provide relief for major and minor natural disasters worldwide. Relief might be food, water filters, hygiene items, medical supplies, and shelters. In some cases, we also built homes, schools, and bridges.
On a regular basis - either daily, weekly or monthly - volunteers in different regions are involved in local charity works such as:
Offer Integral Tai Chi and soft exercises to help students maintain/improve their health. These classes are both online (since the pandemic) and in-person at our centers, at different senior centers, community centers or at non-profit organizations that catered to cancer survivors.
Teach and train meditation individually or in group so that people can learn to relax, stay focus and improve self-awareness.
Prepare and serve vegetarian meals for the homeless and the underprivileged at homeless shelters and other non-profit service centers.
Teach how to cook vegetarian meals.
All donations are tax-deductible (for residents of the US)
100% of funds collected go towards the victims (buy and ship supplies if we can not buy locally, build shelters, etc)
There are 0% overhead charges nor any administrative fees from CSS